Tackling hardship and poverty:

“Get people off the streets. More support for homeless people.” Join the conversation respondent
The opportunity
Many residents have higher levels of income and experience lower levels of deprivation than many areas across the country. However, this is not the case for all and more people and families are facing greater levels of hardship and poverty than we have seen for generations. This means not being able to heat your home, pay your rent and facing every day with insecurity, uncertainty, and sometimes impossible decisions about money . Even people who are in work are struggling and being pushed to use food banks and other support. The stress and pressure poverty creates can be immense and often people feel marginalised and excluded. It also impacts on current and future health, with risks and impacts accumulating throughout people’s lives. We also are seeing increased levels of homelessness and use of temporary accommodation. We have a comprehensive tackling poverty plan in place focused on the three pillars of voice, alleviation and root cause, and a commitment across the whole borough to take action and tackle these challenges. With limited resources at our disposal, it is essential that we support those with the most need while preventing others from reaching that point. Listening to people impacted will be critical as will first class information, advice and guidance to support people to access the help when they need it.
Many residents have higher levels of income and experience lower levels of deprivation than many areas across the country. However, this is not the case for all and more people and families are facing greater levels of hardship and poverty than we have seen for generations. This means not being able to heat your home, pay your rent and facing every day with insecurity, uncertainty, and sometimes impossible decisions about money . Even people who are in work are struggling and being pushed to use food banks and other support. The stress and pressure poverty creates can be immense and often people feel marginalised and excluded. It also impacts on current and future health, with risks and impacts accumulating throughout people’s lives. We also are seeing increased levels of homelessness and use of temporary accommodation. We have a comprehensive tackling poverty plan in place focused on the three pillars of voice, alleviation and root cause, and a commitment across the whole borough to take action and tackle these challenges. With limited resources at our disposal, it is essential that we support those with the most need while preventing others from reaching that point. Listening to people impacted will be critical as will first class information, advice and guidance to support people to access the help when they need it.
Many residents have higher levels of income and experience lower levels of deprivation than many areas across the country. However, this is not the case for all and more people and families are facing greater levels of hardship and poverty than we have seen for generations. This means not being able to heat your home, pay your rent and facing every day with insecurity, uncertainty, and sometimes impossible decisions about money . Even people who are in work are struggling and being pushed to use food banks and other support. The stress and pressure poverty creates can be immense and often people feel marginalised and excluded. It also impacts on current and future health, with risks and impacts accumulating throughout people’s lives. We also are seeing increased levels of homelessness and use of temporary accommodation. We have a comprehensive tackling poverty plan in place focused on the three pillars of voice, alleviation and root cause, and a commitment across the whole borough to take action and tackle these challenges. With limited resources at our disposal, it is essential that we support those with the most need while preventing others from reaching that point. Listening to people impacted will be critical as will first class information, advice and guidance to support people to access the help when they need it.

What success will look like
A slowing in the rate of poverty and hardship
A slowing in the rate of children and young people in poverty and hardship
Reduced rates of homelessness
Increased number of homelessness preventions
Reduced use of unsuitable hotels as temporary accommodation
Reduced levels of fuel poverty
Reduced digital exclusion

How we will make a difference
We will ensure the voices and lived experience of people in poverty can be heard and that we consider the impact that our policies and decisions could have on those on low incomes. We will work with our staff and local communities to tackle the stigma around poverty.
We will make it easy for people to access services, however they contact us. We will work to reach people earlier and help them avoid a crisis.
Poverty has a huge impact on a person’s health. We will work to promote access to welfare advice and financial services for all. We will offer targeted support to help people to maximise their income and to find work, and will ensure our front-line staff have the skills to support mental wellbeing.
The West Cheshire Food Partnership, hosted by Cheshire West Voluntary Action is delivering the Food for All Plan. The vision of the Food for All Plan is to ensure that everyone in west Cheshire has access to affordable, healthy, sustainable and enjoyable food to make a decent meal.
We will improve advice and guidance, implement energy efficiency measures in fuel poor households and support a network of warm welcoming spaces for those who wish to use them.
A lack of digital skills and access can impact someone’s health, education and employment. We will work to provide skills support and affordable access to devices and data.
We will work to support people at risk of losing their home before they become homeless, and support those who are to find appropriate accommodation. We will work with social and private sector landlords to make more appropriate housing available and accessible for those who need it most. We will invest in more supported housing units to support people to become tenancy ready. Residents, business and charities can sign up to the Homeless Pledge or contribute to the local diverted giving scheme.
“I see increased homelessness in Chester. This is disturbing and there should be an emphasis on multi step support.” Join the conversation respondent
End Homelessness in Chester is a collaborative project between Chester BID, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Chester Aid to the Homeless, Share, Soul Kitchen and The Chester Bluecoat Charity. The project encourages people to ‘tap to donate’ £3 to local homeless charities.
Poverty is not a choice. We want to improve youth social mobility and help create a more inclusive local economy with a transport system that allows people to easily access education, training and employment opportunities.
We will be a welcoming place for those fleeing violence and persecution in their own countries.

Play your part case studies
How we can all play our part
Listening and engaging with people experiencing poverty and inequality
Providing seamless access to help before people fall into crisis
Alleviating the impact of poverty and hardship
Tackling food poverty
Implementing our comprehensive fuel poverty strategy
Our part
Your part
Look out for the advice that is out there is you need help and ask for support at an early stage.
Be a good landlord, recognising the contribution you make to the wellbeing of your community.
Volunteer to support people in need, maybe at your local foodbank.
How we can all play our part
Our part
Listening and engaging with people experiencing poverty and inequality
Providing seamless access to help before people fall into crisis
Alleviating the impact of poverty and hardship
Tackling food poverty
Implementing our comprehensive fuel poverty strategy
Your part
Look out for the advice that is out there is you need help and ask for support at an early stage.
Be a good landlord, recognising the contribution you make to the wellbeing of your community.
Volunteer to support people in need, maybe at your local foodbank.
Resilient people living their best lives
Starting well