Greener communities:

“More projects like the wildflowers and plants. And look after biodiversity.” Join the conversation respondent
The opportunity
In May 2019 Cheshire West and Chester Council declared a Climate Emergency. The science and evidence are clear - climate change poses a significant threat to our way of life, and the time for action is now. While Government and other bodies must take a national and international lead, a big difference can be made locally. Cheshire West and Chester has set an ambition to become a carbon neutral borough, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases to net zero by 2045 or earlier. Our Local Transport Plan will set out a pathway to a future net-zero transport network for the borough. As a council, since 2014-15, we have reduced from 54,519 tons of CO2 to 15621 tons and set 7,064 tons of carbon offsets in motion via woodland and biodiversity creation. There is much more we need to do however, and our borough remains one of the highest emitting in the UK. The impact of rising energy costs on both households and industry have highlighted the need to move to more efficient and sustainable energy uses. There is also a huge economic opportunity to go for green growth across our borough and to be world leading in the growth of green businesses and employment opportunities. We are a leader in planting trees to offset emissions and sustainable agriculture practices. We must also step up our adaptation to climate change as the impact is already with us and we will need to adjust to the impact this has on our way of life. Many of the changes needed will need to be rapid and difficult choices will have to be made. We will endeavour to work alongside local people to make it happen and enable all to play their part.

What success will look like
Becoming a net zero borough by 2045
Public services to move to net zero as soon as possible
residents and businesses producing less greenhouse gas
improved uptake of active and sustainable modes of transport such as cycling, walking, buses, rail and electric vehicles
Cleaner land, air and waterways
Improved access to green spaces and nature
Improved biodiversity, including the reintroduction of Beavers and Otters
More energy efficient homes and buildings
Less waste and higher rates of recycling
Improved resilience to the impact of climate change
Fewer air quality action zones being required in the borough

How we will make a difference
We will work from fewer, more efficient buildings, using energy from sustainable sources wherever possible. We will reduce the need to travel through technology. Finally, we will move to a fleet of low emission vehicles wherever possible.
“As climate change and global warming become even more of a reality, you need to move fast.” Join the conversation respondent
The borough is a high emitter of CO2 and a large consumer of energy for industrial purposes. We will support the development of the Origin cluster, in Ellesmere Port, to create new green jobs for people across west Cheshire. We will improve advice and guidance to businesses and work with government to ensure funding is in place. We will work with our vibrant agriculture sector to adopt more sustainable models of farming and market the area to create more inward investment into green businesses.
We will support investment in renewable energy across the borough, including community energy projects, solar farms and other renewable opportunities.
Enhance our communications and advice to help people to make informed choices on things like waste, travel, and energy are vital.
We will seek investment for major housing retrofit programmes. We will lead by example with council homes and other social housing. We will promote community energy schemes, supporting communities when they are proposed and raise awareness of our Green Doctor scheme, which will include home visits to residents to advise on small measures they can take to reduce energy consumption.
Support will be provided for increased levels of walking and cycling as the best option for local trips, through better infrastructure and promoting the use of the borough’s footpaths, bridle ways and waterways. We will reduce our dependency on private car trips and encourage greater use of public transport by implementing our Bus Service Improvement Plan. Our rural communities will feel more connected through rural mobility schemes and better digital connectivity.
“Improve reliability and frequency of public transport, especially in rural communities.” Join the conversation respondent
We will work with others to deliver a more circular economy whereby we better protect our natural resources though the efficient and ongoing reuse of materials. We will continue to support and encourage people to reuse and recycle and explore the development of a commercial waste collection service for businesses.
We will implement the wildflower and grassland strategy, enhancing biodiversity. We will lead on developing a Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Cheshire and Warrington, setting out agreed priorities for tackling wildlife crime, supporting rewilding and working with partners such as Cheshire Wildlife Trust as they re-introduce otters and beavers to the borough. As part of our Trees for Climate Programme, we are coordinating 150 hectares of new tree planting a year, strengthening our natural environment, assisting with flood risk, and offsetting carbon emissions.
“The more wild parks, gardens, walk ways, verges are the better for the wild life.” Join the conversation respondent
As extreme weather continues to increase, we will support residents with taking protection measures, and help our most vulnerable local people.
We will help communities understand and actively prepare for the risks, including protection of their own properties. We will avoid inappropriate development in areas of flood risk and build, maintain gulleys and improve flood management infrastructure and systems to reduce the likelihood of harm to people and property.

Play your part case studies
How we can all play our part
Supporting local public services to decarbonise
Supporting our economy to decarbonise
Promoting the production of renewable energy
Enhancing our advice and guidance to support sustainable behaviours
Supporting residents to make their homes more sustainable
Increasing opportunities for sustainable and healthy transport
Reducing, reusing and recycling more of our waste
Taking further action to enhance biodiversity and tree planting
Supporting residents and businesses impacted by climate change
Continuing to focus on reducing the risk and impact of flooding
Our part
Your part
Be aware of the impact that you and your lifestyle has on the planet and on the environment and the changes you may be able to make to reduce that impact. The way that you plant your garden or window box can make it a haven for local wildlife and insects
Consider buying sustainable products that are produced locally or that are environmentally friendly.
Look for ways to reduce, reuse and recycle more waste
Travel more sustainably. Think about car sharing or using public transport. If your journey is a short one, then maybe walk or cycle. If you’re buying a vehicle consider a low emissions or electric vehicle
Take up energy efficiency schemes and financial support that is available
Sign up to flooding alerts and take steps that you can to protect your property
Volunteer to help keep our local environment vibrant and green
Use our open, green spaces and our parks and play areas
How we can all play our part
Our part
Supporting local public services to decarbonise
Supporting our economy to decarbonise
Promoting the production of renewable energy
Enhancing our advice and guidance to support sustainable behaviours
Supporting residents to make their homes more sustainable
Increasing opportunities for sustainable and healthy transport
Reducing, reusing and recycling more of our waste
Taking further action to enhance biodiversity and tree planting
Supporting residents and businesses impacted by climate change
Continuing to focus on reducing the risk and impact of flooding
Your part
Be aware of the impact that you and your lifestyle has on the planet and on the environment and the changes you may be able to make to reduce that impact. The way that you plant your garden or window box can make it a haven for local wildlife and insects.
Consider buying sustainable products that are produced locally or that are environmentally friendly.
Look for ways to reduce, reuse and recycle more waste.
Travel more sustainably. Think about car sharing or using public transport. If your journey is a short one, then maybe walk or cycle. If you’re buying a vehicle consider a low emissions or electric vehicle.
Take up energy efficiency schemes and financial support that is available.
Sign up to flooding alerts and take steps that you can to protect your property.
Volunteer to help keep our local environment vibrant and green.
Use our open, green spaces and our parks and play areas.
Doing things differently
Neighbourhood pride