Starting well:

“Giving children the best possible start and reducing the incidence of adverse childhood events that can lead to life-long trauma would bring multiple long term benefits for individuals and the community.” Join the conversation respondent
The opportunity
West Cheshire is a great place to grow up and thrive. With good schools, starting well services that offer advice and support through our children’s centres, a continued commitment to preventative services, a range of leisure and recreational opportunities and good prospects for many young people, we compare favourably to other areas. However, whilst most of our early years settings and schools are good or outstanding, educational attainment has been impacted by the pandemic and a stubborn gap persists in educational outcomes between disadvantaged children and their peers. With a challenging economic environment and the unwinding of the pandemic, the number of children and families requiring social care support, mental health support, or being in the care of the local authority has also increased. Notwithstanding good practice across the borough, we also need to ensure that we are working collaboratively to ensure education is more inclusive for the increasing number of children with special educational needs and disabilities. These challenges are limiting the life chances of future generations as well as putting unsustainable pressure on public services, exacerbated further by inflationary pressures. The opportunity is to build on our strengths and work alongside children, young people and families to provide targeted support at an early stage to secure better outcomes and prevent the need for more intensive support.

What success will look like
More children and families being helped at an earlier stage, reducing the number of children in care and the need for more intensive statutory services
Fewer children affected by complex issues such as domestic abuse, exploitation and family emotional health and wellbeing
More timely assessments and decision making
Higher levels of educational attainment and progression
Higher levels of social mobility
A trauma informed approach to working with children, young people and their families
A closing educational attainment gap between disadvantaged and more vulnerable children with their peers
Improved mental health and higher levels of positive emotional health and wellbeing
More inclusive, sustainable and joined up services that meet the needs of children with SEND (special educational needs and disability)
More children and young people in education, employment and training, particularly those who are care experienced

How we will make a difference
We will listen to, and work with, young people as we plan and deliver services. We will develop a strong youth offer, working with the community sector, libraries, schools and colleges. We will also develop a new ‘10 by 10’ programme, encouraging young people to try ten exciting things before they are ten years old.
“We need to improve mental health for younger children and give them more support.” Join the conversation respondent
We will support and challenge our schools to include children with special educational needs and disabilities, upskilling our workforce and co-ordinating specialist support within our schools.
We will promote healthy lifestyles and access to playing fields and green spaces. We will encourage people to breastfeed and vaccinate their children and ensure young people can access preventative services.
“We need to improve mental health for younger children and give them more support.” Join the conversation respondent
We will listen to, and work with, young people as we plan and deliver services. We will develop a strong youth offer, working with the community sector, libraries, schools and colleges. We will also develop a new ‘10 by 10’ programme, encouraging young people to try ten exciting things before they are ten years old.
“There should be more investment in young people and their future” Join the conversation respondent
We will help more children before they reach crisis point, working with families to support them. We will develop family hubs to bring together services from multiple organisations, making help and guidance easier to get. We will also continue to tackle domestic abuse and violence against women and girls.
We will promote foster caring and adoption and invest in more small, specialist homes for children in care. We will also work to recruit and retain staff to deliver outstanding childrens services.
We will work with partners to ensure that the children in our care can access the same support, opportunities, and experiences that every parent would want for their children as they move into adulthood.
“We need to improve mental health for younger children and give them more support.” Join the conversation respondent

Play your part case studies
How we can all play our part
Helping more children and young people secure a good or better education
Ensuring our education and support is inclusive
Promoting the health and wellbeing of our children and young people
Helping more young people make a positive contribution
Enhancing our approach to early help and prevention for families
Delivering the best possible care for children and young people
Supporting children in care and care leavers
Our part
Your part
Encourage the children in your life engage with the five ways to wellbeing.
Build positive relationships with the children in your life and make time to talk about what matters to them.
Take up your free early education entitlement.
Make sure the children in your life get the vaccinations they’re entitled to.
Apply for school places within the national schools admissions timeframe.
Ensure your child attends school regularly.
Volunteer with organisations that support young people to thrive.
Consider whether you could foster or adopt.
Seek early advice and intervention for any concerns you may have about your child.
How we can all play our part
Our part
Helping more children and young people secure a good or better education
Ensuring our education and support is inclusive
Promoting the health and wellbeing of our children and young people
Enhancing our approach to early help and prevention for families
Delivering the best possible care for children and young people
Supporting children in care and care leavers
Your part
Encourage the children in your life engage with the five ways to wellbeing.
Build positive relationships with the children in your life and make time to talk about what matters to them.
Take up your free early education entitlement.
Make sure the children in your life get the vaccinations they’re entitled to.
Apply for school places within the national schools admissions timeframe.
ensure your child attends school regularly.
Volunteer with organisations that support young people to thrive.
Consider whether you could foster or adopt.
Seek early advice and intervention for any concerns you may have about your child.
Tackling hardship and poverty